What happened after I installed WordPress 2.5

1 April, 2008 at 8:32 am (Filler) (, , , , )






Nothing happened actually. No server crashes, no wonky plug-ins, no screwed-up themes, everything’s working just fine. Because I write from wordpress.COM in case you’re wondering.

Happy April’s Fool Day……. suckers hehahahahaha.


On a lighter note, I didn’t know my PR has already reached 4.


Suck on it! Hehahahaha.


p/s: This is an April’s Fool prank on PPS and digg.com visitors btw. So my normal readers might not get the gist of this post…

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Why so busy doc?

24 March, 2008 at 12:10 am (Filler, Misc pics) (, , , , , )

I know I still haven’t chronicle my HFMD experience, from the onset of infection, to being quarantined and my subsequent release from the jail house. Not to mention tons of pictures I haven’t up-load including those really gory ones depicting HFMD symptoms infecting my hands and legs. Rightly so, since I have been very very busy lately. Here’s a list of what I’ve been busy with:


My Final Year Project! And that thing above is just a part of a bigger prototype. And it spins! Spent 1 month designing it, another 2 months building it, another 3 days of continuous experiment and data collection. Phew…


Hopefully everything goes well.



Helped a technician dismantle his car. I was given the honorable task of emptying the fuel tank which will then be sold as scrap metal. Hard work indeed.

I have to do a presentation today which really was supposed to be done last Monday. But you see the problem is, last Monday I was quarantined. Bummer

There’s a test tomorrow. God help us all.

There’s also a quiz tomorrow. God help us all again.

And the irony of it all is – it’s my birthday today. So wrong the timing eh?

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We’re the sixth best in the world? Like woah!

6 March, 2008 at 9:31 pm (Filler, Misc pics) (, , , , , )

I wasn’t going to write anything related to politics, because I want to keep this site clean you see hehe. And like I said earlier, my understanding of politics is as much as my understanding of……………girls which is pretty much zilch. But a friend literally forced me to write something in the spirit of election day this Saturday, either that or I risk losing another one of my nuts. And no we’re not talking about those that are used to secure my bike’s tire.

Here’s a picture taken around January:




And the headline that grabbed me by the nuts:




For my dear readers who can’t read Malay, the translation of the main headline would read – “We’re the 6th best in the world” and the smaller one says “Government efficiency better than UK, Germany, Japan, France.”

I showed this to a friend of mine and his reaction was:








Tsk. Apa la that guy. But then again who can blame him right?

Happy voting Malaysians. Do the right thing. Make a change.

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4 March, 2008 at 8:21 pm (Filler, Misc pics) (, , , , , , , , , )


Ehem, for the lack of a better title you see. Not that I was interested in chemistry.


You know that saying; life imitating art? In the anime world, you’d have these people who indulge in the carnal pleasure of cosplay. What’s a cosplay?

Well cosplay is the act of dressing up as your favorite anime characters and to a certain extent copying their physical features such as facial elements, scars, and boob size (usually achieved through copious amount of make-ups and extra padded bras). Some even go the extra mile by imitating their favorite character’s behavior (could be moody, dark, perverse or even sluttish).



A Sailormoon cosplayer. Ermm… not exactly what I had in mind.

As I was reminiscing about all the animes I’ve watched so far, I made it a point to check out my favorite character’s cosplayers and see if they did any justice to their anime’s awesomeness. Some are pretty good. Some are ok. And some, er well let’s just say you wouldn’t wanna see that Sailormoon pic above and risk vomiting out whatever you had for breakfast and lunch and dinner.

One of my favorite anime heroins happens to be Chii of Chobits fame. Here’s how Chi looks like in anime form:




As for the series, Chobits itself isn’t extraordinary compared to others I’ve watched. But it does tell a simple story of forbidden love between human and robots (or in this case they’re known as Persecoms). What Chobits managed to do is tell a simple story well without all those crazy special effects that tend to distract viewers from the story line.

Alright, who the hell am I kidding? The REAL reason I watched Chobits is because it contains lots and lots of ecchi elements in it hehe. I mean, c’mon! Don’t tell me you wanna be stuck watching some dumb animes that kept on harping about stuffs like integrity, war, or a bunch of guys frolicking around in all-male schools playing grab ass with each other? Hell no! Give me them ecchi stuffs please! Ahahaha.

But no hentais for me though. Don’t ask why. I’m just not into full blown stuffs like that.

Anyway, here are some of the Chii cosplayer pictures I’ve found:



A bunch of ang mohs. Even though Chii herself is a blonde but she just doesn’t look and behave like a Caucasian. I mean these girls did a great job cosplaying Chii but they’re just lacking that cuteness that Chii has. Maybe it’s because Chi being a Japanese persecom and all is supposed to be petite and maybe submissive as well. I dunno, I’m just guessing.



Ok now this is what I’m talking about. But still, Chii doesn’t smile much in the anime…



If there is ever a brunette Chii, she would be it.


Ahhh… finally. I think she did a pretty good job cosplaying Chii, appearance wise that is. What’s with her cutesy face, soft smooth pale skin, and that nighty! Now that’s what I call a professional cosplayer.



Another view. Yes, Chii does like to frolic around in a thin nighty much to the chagrin of her human lover who can’t seem to stop squirming around and adjusting his pants every time she does that. I guess too much display of nubile assets can be detrimental to a man’s health eh? Or sanity haha.

However, I think the most perfect person to portray Chii would definitely be this girl below:



Look at those eyes man. If only she died her hair blonde hmmm. She’s a professional cosplayer by the way (means she gets paid doing it, others do it for the fun of it or because they like their characters so much). I’ve seen her MySpace page before but just couldn’t remember her name. Damn.

Anyway, what’s your favorite animes? Anyone can recommend any good ones? Preferably those with some ecchi elements thrown in as well hehe.

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Where’s my nut?

2 March, 2008 at 10:00 am (Filler, Misc pics) (, , , , , , , , )

Yes, I do mean it in a literal sense. WHO TOOK MY NUT?

I went back to my hometown during the holidays and when I came back to uni, I noticed something was amiss. Something was wrong. It didn’t feel right. I didn’t feel complete.

Then a friend of mine noticed it and told me “HEY, ONE OF YOUR NUTS IS MISSING!” So I went like “GASP” and slowly (but nervously) my eyes lowered down to check out the place where my nut used to be.

And BAM! A sick feeling crept up my spines when I noticed my left nut was missing. Argh! How the hell am I gonna ride her anymore with a missing left nut? There was this awful taste in my mouth and I almost vomited when reality dawned upon me.

To help you get a better idea of my missing nut, I’ve included a most recent pic. Scroll down further to view please. By the way, the pic is totally safe for work, home and for your pets too:













































































































Ok I know most of my viewers have severe MYOPIA so I’m gonna enlarge this pic:


(yes I know I haven’t wash my bike for a long time, shut up)

Here, can you see it now? There’s supposed to be a nut there!!! But somehow it went missing. Or maybe some asshole stole it. Damn, now I have to ride with my left suspension hanging out.

And yes I was referring to my motorcycle all this while. What, you think I was talking about my own nuts? You gotta be nuts. Siao.

Even if I were to put up a picture of my REAL nuts, your screen won’t be big enough to show them in their full glory. You’ll need at least a 100 inch plasma display. And that’s just for ONE of my nuts.

Correction, a screen of that size can only show a quarter of my one nut. Yeah I know it’s just that big.


On a completely unrelated note, someone left this on my table when I was too immersed with the lecture in front (immersed – haha as if that could happen!):


It’s an origami by the way. A star I believe. Quite intricate eh?


So who put it on my table? Own up! Just because I was oblivious to my surroundings doesn’t mean you can leave secret present/message on my table ahahahaha. Man, I ought to feel embarrassed for being perasan.

Then again, maybe that origami piece accidentally flew from somewhere and wrongly landed on my table. Yeah, that might be it.


On another completely unrelated note, I’ve decided that if my future engineer’s income isn’t enough to support me, I’m gonna take up a part time job as a PBS. Imagine this: engineer by day time, PBS by night time. Hey, I’ll throw in some discounts and maybe a couple of extra services too, free of charge. Hehe.

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